The tumultuous tale of "Risa" (Bella-Ranee Campen), who runs a wedding planning company, along with her close-knit circle of friends including "Jan" (Baifern-Passakorn Ponlaboon)...
Foal and his friend John go on an unforgettable journey as they outsmart the tyrant King, catch the fire-bird and find John's true love upon the magic roads....
Following the death of their mother, four estranged siblings find themselves fighting for their inheritance and for their lives when an eccentric stranger arrives, claiming their famous haunted childh...
After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impuls...
Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just th...