这是一局环环紧扣的阴谋游戏。小镇上的中学教师萨姆(马特?狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)这天为学生作完性主题的犯罪演讲后,女学生凯莉就溜进了他的房间,面对青春迷人的凯莉(丹妮丝?理查兹 Denise Richards 饰),萨姆惊得目瞪口呆。这一幕被凯莉的母亲桑德拉(泰莉莎?拉塞尔 Theresa Russell 饰)撞见了,她此前曾和萨姆有过风流的一夜。醋意大发的桑德拉以学校捐助人的身份要求校...
Julia Roberts主演并监制Apple TV+限定剧《他告诉我的最后一件事 The Last Thing He Told Me》。
本剧来自Reese Witherspoon的制片公司Hello Sunshine,改编自Laura Dave的同名小说,由Dave和丈夫Josh Singer (《聚焦》)共同创作。
As CFO, Alexander Meier fights for the survival of the company he works for. When Hans-Werner Brockmann the new appointed CEO, a hardliner, is appointed, Alexander gets involved in a power struggle ...
Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aun...