Follows Raj Patel, who is an expert at math but is also secretly obsessed with his late father's dream of becoming a rap musician, and he almost loses everything in his attempt to achieve multiple...
Unlucky Dasha believes that it will help the online training - for a month visit the 30 dates, and then the man of her dreams will find her. Just to stay alive after a meeting with crazy cavalry and t...
迈尔斯(杰克·特纳 Jack Turner 饰)和布罗迪(迈克尔·亚当·汉密尔顿 Michael Adam Hamilton 饰)是相识多年的好友,彼此之间友情十分坚实。迈尔斯一直都在等待着他的心上人出现,可是就连他自己都没有自信,这个人在哪里,会什么时候出现。相比迈尔斯的执着,布罗迪就要洒脱的多了,他不愿意荒废自己的美好年华,而是整日出入于声色犬马的场所之中,肆意的挥洒着荷尔蒙。 迈尔斯和...