Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice b...
Former Colonel Fernandez is appointed Minister of the National Anti-Drug Agency (SENAD) and purges the special forces to fight the first of many battles against drug trafficking on the border of Parag...
Follows a young man very passionate about music. He has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balances his loving life, family and Brazilian culture in New Jersey....
Part historical fiction, part conspiracy thriller, “Manhunt” will take audiences into the aftermath of the first American presidential assassination and the fight to preserve and protect the ideals ...
罗德(安迪?萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 饰)与同母异父的弟弟凯文(乔玛?塔昆 Jorma Taccone 饰),以及两个又二又丧的朋友组成了一个特技飞车小组。飞车手罗德的生活中只有两件事:继承死去的特技车手父亲的遗志,打赢强壮的继父弗兰克(伊恩?麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)。但罗德的所有特技表演几乎都沦为疯狂的自毁举动,而全副武装后的每一次挑战结果都是被弗兰克击溃。精力超级旺盛的...
"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet a...
After a public controversy left him disgraced and demonetized, a washed up internet personality tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in an abandoned haunt...