A woman is faced with a choice to fight for her life or sacrifice it for another. After years of infertility, a m.ysgou.cc newly-expectant mother is diagnosed with a life-altering disease....
这是一个真实的故事。盖瑞(丹尼尔•戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)生活于当年战火纷飞的北爱尔兰,那时北爱共和军正致力于反对英国的殖民统治。年轻的盖瑞整日无所事事,偷鸡摸狗,无意间得罪了北爱共和军。 无奈之下,其父(皮特•波斯尔思韦特 Pete Postlethwaite 饰)只能送他到英国闯天下。孰料,刚到英国的盖瑞就被当地心急立功的警察诬蔑为北爱共和军的恐怖分子,还连累了...
Hasan得知有人要在他的耕田上安装电塔,他动用手段避免这一切发生。在出发去麦加朝圣之前,他向妻子保证弥补过去的错误。 Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of the power pole that is g...