The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-1...
A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release ...
在传说中英雄辈出的年代,彪悍的西米里族英雄柯南(阿诺德·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)为了让心爱的瓦莱里亚复活,只得接受了异族女王塔拉米斯的要求,陪伴女王的侄女珍娜取得魔法钥匙“邪恶之心”。珍娜是远古卷轴上记载的天选之人,只有她才能得到钥匙,开启传说中的宝藏,而塔拉米斯的计划是利用柯南保护珍娜,在成功后把他们全部杀死,塔拉米斯派出侍卫长邦伯塔与柯南同行并暗中监视。柯南一...
在一次执行任务中,警察尼克(杰森·帕特里克 Jason Patric 饰)无意中开枪击中了一名孕妇,这场悲剧让尼克丢掉了饭碗,也让他深深的陷入了自责的情绪中无法自拔。一场恶性凶杀案的发生让城市陷入了恐慌,在和罪犯周旋的过程中,警方损失惨重。无奈之下,警方找到了尼克,希望他能够协助破案,与此同时,他们许下了承诺,若果杰克出色的完成任务,他将重新回到警察的岗位上来。
亨利(雷·利奥塔 Ray L...
A seemingly trivial case of a small carpentry business that has gone bankrupt under mysterious circumstances gets Mads' attention. Claudia is released after one and a half years in prison but her ...
Arrowhead is an interstellar Jekyll and Hyde, a survival story of a stranded mercenary who discovers the deadliest creature on the seemingly planet is himself....