哈罗德(哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Lloyd 饰)是裁缝铺里的学徒,个性腼腆内向的他在女人面前总是面红耳赤畏首畏尾,因此常常受到女顾客们的嘲笑。哈罗德是一个非常热爱幻想的人,在他的幻想里,自己是一个将所有女人都玩弄在股掌之中的花花公子,哈罗德将自己的这些荒诞幻想都记录在案写成了小说。 一天,哈罗德决定将已经完成的书稿带往出版社,运气好的话说不定能获得出版的资格。在前往出版社的途中,哈罗德...
Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert...
入围第54届卡罗维发利电影节主竞赛单元。 Vasil has just lost his long-time partner in life, his wife Ivanka. When a woman at her funeral proclaims that the dead woman called her cellphone, Vasil seeks out the help of ...
Sara and Nicola are expecting their second son. Through the late Mattia Torre's sharp look, all the joys and sorrows of being a parent in the modern day Italy are unraveled in an absolutely brilliant ...
迈尔斯(杰克·特纳 Jack Turner 饰)和布罗迪(迈克尔·亚当·汉密尔顿 Michael Adam Hamilton 饰)是相识多年的好友,彼此之间友情十分坚实。迈尔斯一直都在等待着他的心上人出现,可是就连他自己都没有自信,这个人在哪里,会什么时候出现。相比迈尔斯的执着,布罗迪就要洒脱的多了,他不愿意荒废自己的美好年华,而是整日出入于声色犬马的场所之中,肆意的挥洒着荷尔蒙。 迈尔斯和...