A troupe of struggling stage actors is rehearsing for a small-town production of a play. Everything seems to be as it should until one of the cast members turns up dead. In a panic, the others try t...
An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life....
A shy teenager accidentally kills a mocking peer, and his mother helps him hide in a spare room in their house. Problems arise when the mother goes for an operation and dies, and the house is sold t...
The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only ...
凭借心灵书籍而受到关注的黑人作家托马斯·卡特(安东尼·麦凯 Anthony Mackie 饰)正沉浸在名誉的荣光之中,而就在此时他的哥哥刑满释放,此时正因为某事而陷入财务危机中。怀着不可告人秘密的托马斯希望多赚些钱打发他的哥哥,于是主动和之前在签售会有过一面之缘的安吉尔·桑切斯(福里斯特·惠特克 饰)取得联系。安吉尔的母亲早已去世,但这名潦倒颓废的男人似乎始终沉浸在莫大的悲伤中无法自拔,他声称时常...
18世纪60年代中期,法国路易十五在位时,一只凶残异常的巨狼一直威胁着吉瓦冈地区,而受害者多是妇女和儿童。一时间,全法国都被触目惊心的血腥杀戮震惊了,无人知道凶兽真正面貌,有人盛传是魔鬼化身。为安定民心,路易十五指派皇家骑士弗朗萨克(塞缪尔·勒·比汉 Samuel Le Bihan 饰)捕杀怪兽。在吉瓦冈逗留期间,弗朗萨克爱上了当地伯爵...