Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aun...
爱尔兰裔的丹尼·格林(雷·史蒂文森 Ray Stevenson 饰)出身于柯林伍德东区,在这片黑手党控制的街区里,格林从小就不断尝试挑战西西里孩子们的权威。1960年,当时在克利夫兰湖区码头工作的格林用暴力掌控了码头装卸工工会,从此他和一班帮手半公开的盗窃货物,敲诈勒索。克利夫兰警方不得不将格林收押,终止了他日益发展的犯罪事业。出狱后的格林另谋出路,为了统一垃圾车业务他选择与黑手党合作。声名鹊起的...
Five best friends trying to do the right thing in heartlake city, whilst trying to figure out friendships and what's important along the way. 五个最好的朋友试图在中心湖城市做正确的事情,同时试图找出友谊和什么是重要的一路。...
As a means to distract herself from an affair, a love-addicted woman befriends a cleaning lady, badly scarred by burns. She soon learns, these scars run much deeper than the surface....