After surviving an IED explosion in combat overseas, a young soldier with the Army Motorcycle Unit is medically discharged with a broken back and leg. Against all odds he trains to make an impossibl...
波士顿,一位深受爱戴的牧师神秘被杀,子弹交错穿过脑壳,死相极为惨烈,传言处刑人所为。负责此案的依旧是警察格林利、达菲和多利,但他们对此一筹莫展。幸有智慧性感的FBI特工尤妮斯?布鲁姆(朱莉?本茨 Julie Benz 饰)破解了处刑人的杀人手法。因10年前波士顿血案,异卵双生兄弟康纳(肖恩?派特里克?弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery 饰)和墨菲(诺曼?瑞杜斯 Norman Ree...
这次007(罗杰·摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的任务是追寻真正的法布尔金蛋,在追踪过程结识了美丽的马戏团女郎“八爪女”(莫德·亚当斯 Maud Adams 饰)。007在“八爪女”的房间找到了重要的证据,从而揭露了苏联的一个大阴谋。原来苏联以走私珠宝的名义和“八爪女”合作,其实暗中企图利用“八爪女”的马戏团巡回表演时当场引爆核弹。007深知事态严重,他必须在苏联引爆核弹前阻止他们的阴谋,他费...
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid ...