28岁的博士生奥玛(奥玛尔·梅特瓦利 Omar Metwally 饰)决定撰写一本关于作家裘洛斯·关德的传记小说,他的前程和事业均紧紧的与这本小说相连着。据相关记载,裘洛斯早已经自杀身亡,他的哥哥亚当(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)、妻子卡洛琳(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)和情妇雅登(夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰)是世界上仅存的...
Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abuse...
玛丽(珍妮弗·琼斯 Jennifer Jones 饰)在意大利度假时邂逅了名为乔班尼(蒙哥马利·克利夫特 Montgomery Clift 饰)的男子,两人之间相互吸引,很快就走到了一起,相互陪伴度过了快乐的两天。然而,快乐的日子都是短暂的,玛丽即将离开意大利前往巴黎,乔班尼劝说玛丽留下来,留在他的身边,可是固执的玛丽却去意已决,这让乔班尼非常的愤怒,他失手打了玛丽。 悲伤的玛丽准备搭上前往...
犹太小姑娘“飞莺儿”和父亲、奶奶生活在俄罗斯的小村庄里,为了生计父亲前往美国希望可以延续自己的歌唱生涯。父亲离开后不久村庄遭到了洗劫,飞莺儿和两个男孩一同逃脱,在准备登船去美国的时候她却跟他们走散登上了去英国的邮轮。但幸运的是一对夫妇收养了她并改名叫苏西,成年后的苏西(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)被歌舞团录取来到了巴黎。期间她结识了热爱物质的萝拉(凯特·布兰切特Cat...
Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role: he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning. While in Rome to shoot his first movie, Niccolò becomes obsessed and sent i...
Soorma is the story of the triumph of the human spirit, about a player, who made headlines for his miraculous comeback after facing a near death experience through sheer determination, hard work and...