An under-appreciated, over worked assistant entrusted with a million dollar necklace races to find out which of his friends betrayed him, as he battles a desperate criminal duo bent on stealing the ne...
Arrowhead is an interstellar Jekyll and Hyde, a survival story of a stranded mercenary who discovers the deadliest creature on the seemingly planet is himself....
索罗(苏利芒·西尔·萨瓦内 Souleymane Sy Savane 饰)是一名人近中年的出租车司机,终日穿梭在川流不息的车流和人群中,索罗对生活有着和别人不一样的理解和乐观。一日,一个叫做威廉(雷德·威斯特 Red West 饰)的老人成为了索罗的顾客,令索罗在意的是,这个老人提出了一个奇怪的要求,他要求索罗开车将他送到一处偏远的山顶,因为他要在那里了却他的余生。热心的索罗毫不犹豫的决定挽救威廉...
Christian Serratos会在《莎丽娜 Selena: The Series》一剧中饰演墨西哥裔已故歌手Selena Quintanilla。这部剧由Netflix开发,被指是Selena Quintanilla的官方故事,剧中讲述她为了成为歌手的成长﹑痛苦﹑改变,如何从事业﹑家人﹑音乐中取得平衡。...